Полная версия: Where to buy / how to build?
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where can I buy a SD Adapter for my Dreamcast (I live in Europe)?

... or, how can I build one?

Hi. You can build it yourself.

I don't understand all lines on this picture. What components do I need? Capacitors, Resistors, Diodes, etc?
1 resistor 470.
1 capacitor 47 uf.
1 capacitor 0.1 uf.
1 LED (not mandatory).
1 SD Card port.
Thanks! Can I solder the cables directly to a SD-Card? I want to solder the cables to a SD-Adapter for MicroSD cards, would this work?
I think SD-Adapter for MicroSD too will work.
There you see contacts identical.
Theoretically, all SD cards work, microSD, miniSD, SD. But some manufacturers do not make microSD support for SPI (DreamShell work with card over SPI), in order to reduce production costs. Typically, such cards are included with something, for example with a telephone.
Is there no longer your tutorial? I would like to post many different tutorials for creating an SD card adapter as possible over at DCIsozone.
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