Полная версия: Linux/NetBSD with SDISO
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Is it possible to run Linux or NetBSD with SD adapter? I never try to run Linux on Dreamcast because couldn't find ready-to-go (selfbooting) iso image.
With sdiso linux not work.
Can't you write a driver that will add the sdcard as block-device?
zx80user has almost all dreamcast hardware working in his linux-sh git.
Being able to mount the sdcard would be awesome.
Lot's of new possibilities.
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sdcard
mount -t ext4 -o loop /mnt/sdcard/rootfs.ext4 /root
mount --bind /mnt/sdcard /root/mnt/sdcard
mount --bind /dev /root/dev
chroot /root

startx Smile
Maybe, but not now.
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