Полная версия: Tech infos sd iso wanted
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i have a few questions about the structur of the sd iso image and the IP.BIN. I tested the iso_make.7z scripts. Some software works fine other like scumm doesn t work (resets the Dreamcast).

Can i use my own IP.BIN (created with makeip) for a sdiso or must it be one form the sys/ directory?

When i create my own IP.BIN with makeip (instead of the one from sys/homebrew) it always shows the message can t find 1ST_READ.BIN (or the name of the binary). The name in IP.BIN is of course the exact binary filename (capitalletters etc.).

I read somewhere that games should be unscrambled and homebrew scrambled to make a working iso from it. Is this true? Because the sd homebrew script here unscrambled the binary before making the iso-image.

Any further technical information about sd iso's are welcome.

Last but not least. I made some simple linux scripts (work in progress) for people with a real os Wink and added of course the tools for linux 32 - dreamcast sdiso linux package .

Many thanks
Hello. You can use any IP.BIN, the main thing in this, specified boot.bin and disc type GD-ROM (for katana) or CD-ROM (for homebrew).
Homebrew boot.bin must be unscrambled.
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