Полная версия: DreamShell 4.0.0 RC 1
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Yep, of course.

With using DS work path from lua:
PHP код:
onclick="os.execute(string.format('exec -b -f %s/files/prog.bin', os.getenv('PATH')));" 

or directly from console:
PHP код:
onclick="console:exec -b -f /sd/file.bin" 
Nice! Thanks for your help!
I have screen problems on all my 4/3 CRT TVs (didn't test 1 widescreen model yet). Connected with composite to SCART connector. RC1 is worse than B4, which also has problems.

JVC AV-28F2EN: (TV doesn't support 60Hz)

DreamShell 4.0 B4:
50Hz -> inside Dreamshell GUI, screen flickers as if 60Hz is selected. Picture is ok after starting game

DreamShell 4.0 RC1:
50Hz -> picture is shifted down and in black&white. Picture stays the same after starting a game

Philips 21TCDI30/01:

DreamShell 4.0 B4:
50Hz -> picture is OK but GUI is outside TV safety area on all sides. After starting game picture is OK
60Hz -> picture is OK and GUI is inside TV safety area

DreamShell 4.0 RC1:
50Hz -> picture is shifted down and in black&white. Same after starting a 50Hz game. 60Hz game fixes position but still black&white
60Hz -> picture is in black&white. Same after starting a game

Philips 29PT9006/12R:

DreamShell 4.0 B4:
50Hz -> picture is OK but GUI is outside TV safety area on all sides. After starting game picture is OK
60Hz -> picture is OK and GUI is inside TV safety area

DreamShell 4.0 RC1:
50Hz -> picture is shifted down. Same after starting a 50Hz game. 60Hz game fixes the image
60Hz -> picture is OK but GUI is outside TV safety area on all sides. Picture is shifted down if starting a 50Hz game. 60Hz game is ok
Thanks for info, maybe I fix it in RC2. I've got some thoughts.
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