Полная версия: Sturmwind Fix Read Error
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has anyone found a solution to launch Sturmwind? A playable version via Retrodream? Thank you !!!
For now, it runs only with RC3 loader.

Not sure I gave a shot with 0.6.11_se loader. You can try it.

And there is no cdda music.
But It's a difficult game to play, I had some crashes with gdemu 5.20 official too.
Is there a way to use RC3 with Retrodream ?
I've seen you already ask @dragoncity Smile
Unfortunately the only issue for now is to burn the dreamshell RC3 and boot the game with its loader...
There are no cdda, but it works for sure.

Even with the last official gdemu 5.20, the game crash very often, a good way for this one is to play it burning the cd.
The loadings are not very long.
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