Полная версия: Question about dual bios mod
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Is it possible to use SOP44 IC of MX29LV160CTMC-90G for Va1 dual bios mod?

and Can I use 2 piece of 1/4 watt 10k ohm Carbon Film resistor instead of 1watt or 1/2 watt of 10k ohm in dual bios mod?
1) the microcircuit on your link looks like a relabeled chip, I would not contact such a seller
2) 1 watt is a lot, you can use a 10 Kom resistor of any power, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 .....
Thank you very much for your reply
By the way,If MX29LV160CTMC-90G microcircuit is not relabeled chip but original chip,then Is it possible to use it for dreamcast dual bios mod?
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