Полная версия: guys I need help please (edited)
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Hi guys, i introduce myself, i am German from Argentina, i have a Japanese dreamcast va0 with aliexpress hard drive mod + bios chip, i installed dreamshell 4.0.0 and all the games work for me, except one and the one that interests me the most, shenmue (first), i need to make it run in the PAL region (due to a patch that I am needing).

but there is no way to make it work, it does not start, with any of the configurations that I followed (including the dc-swat one), the screen remains black, it freezes at startup, but the game does not start.

Can you help me please? thanks a lot.

i really admire the work they are doing on this wonderful console.
Original GDI with Shenmue 1 and 2 works from 0x8cfe8000 memory.
If you have special image so... I can try it if you give me working link.
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