Полная версия: Music plays slower when booting without a GD-ROM Drive
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I added a microSD to SD adapter to the serial port of my Dreamcast and I also soldered an IDE connector. I also added a second BIOS to boot into Dreamshell v4 without a GD-ROM Drive, however, I noticed that the startup music sounds really, really slowed down.

It is not only the startup music but ingame music too. So far, I've only tested Crazy Taxi 2 and Resident Evil 3 from SD and every sound is really slow. When I reattach the GD-ROM Drive and turn the Dreamcast on again, everything sounds normal again.

Is this normal behavior or is there something wrong with my Dreamcast?

I uploaded a video to youtube showing the issue.
yep, is normal
You need to keep the oscillator from the GD drive board or make a jumper on the motherboard to a different clock generator.
Otherwise you will get this effect.
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