DreamSNES for DreamShell - Версия для печати

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DreamSNES for DreamShell - rouken - 19.02.2012 01:51

I want to create a ISO with the DreamSNES to test with the DreamShell, but I can't create a ISO with the ISO Make pack v2.0 because the DreamSNES don't have a 1st_read.bin file and a ip.bin file.

There's some way to put the DreamSNES to work?

RE: DreamSNES for DreamShell - cybdyn - 19.02.2012 02:17

maybe i wrong, but i think you need rename main executable file in DreamSNES to 1st_read.bin

RE: DreamSNES for DreamShell - SWAT - 19.02.2012 09:56

You can get any ip.bin file, from other homebrew, rename ****.bin file to 1st_read.bin and unscramble it.

RE: DreamSNES for DreamShell - rouken - 20.02.2012 17:16

Thanx for the suggestions, but any worked out. T_T
Any other idea?

RE: DreamSNES for DreamShell - cybdyn - 21.02.2012 00:13

how developers of DreamSNES advice to launch it?