HDD Advanced Format - Версия для печати

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HDD Advanced Format - vincent - 07.05.2015 23:37

Has anybody experience with attaching a HDD with Advanced Format ( =: 4K sectors)?

Attaching a "common" (sectorsize : 512 byte) Sata HDD works fine; but a HDD with 4k sectors ( FAT32 formatted and "aligned") won't be recognized by the dreamcast ?!

RE: HDD Advanced Format - SWAT - 08.05.2015 09:27

Currently supported only 512 sector size. But it's really can be done in the future, if it is someone you need Smile

RE: HDD Advanced Format - vincent - 08.05.2015 10:52

would really appreciate it, cause it is hard to find 500 GB hdd which don't have advanced format; e.g. seagate produces since 2011 only hdd with advanced format...

4k sector support in RC4 ?!WinkSmile

RE: HDD Advanced Format - SWAT - 08.05.2015 14:02

I can not promise, but I'll try to come back to this issue after some other tasks.