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Japanesse Visual Novels Compactibility List for IDE MOD Dreamshell Retrodream
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animekai Не на форуме

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Japanesse Visual Novels Compactibility List for IDE MOD Dreamshell Retrodream
I've been testing and testing many visual novels for the ide mod, some games works another wont, but here is the list, maybe someone can help me testing some of the games that are in color yellow, those only runs on loader 8 for me, i've tested them on redream, but i think they would work on dreamshell to.

Visual Novels Compactibility List for IDE MOD Dreamshell Retrodream

Some notes and descriptions are in spanish, sorry for that, if someone wants to help me with editing or figuring out the few games that wont run, with addresses or syncs, please first try them and show some proof they work to update the list.

Also please help sharing the list, it could help ppl interested on visual novels on dreamcast
15.02.2021 20:47
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Japanesse Visual Novels Compactibility List for IDE MOD Dreamshell Retrodream - animekai - 15.02.2021 20:47

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