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Japanese dreamcast VA0 - no picture, sound and VMU
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Boguś Не на форуме

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Japanese dreamcast VA0 - no picture, sound and VMU
Hello, привет!

I want tell you my little story. Some months ago I bought in internet a cheap JP dreamcast. First release model from 1998. I already have 3 european dreamcasts. Also one EU VA0. Console arrived. Immediately I changed power supply to 230V. Powered on, black screen, no sound. I changed everything (controller board, gd rom), leaving motherboard. No changes. Strange fact is that VMU picture doesn't appear. I thought that maybe DAC is broken, but this VMU issue is strange. With broken DAC VMU should work I think displaying logo. Console behave like newer model VA1 without fan connected. Exactly the same. In VA1 to trick fan signal its just one jumper on IC601, but in VA0 there is different circuit, without this chip. I bridged thermal resistor. I think something on way is faulty.

Guys do you have any idea? I know that on this forum are last hardware professionals.

And I forgot. Motherboard has no physical damages (no long screw knocked into MB)

07.08.2023 13:38
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Japanese dreamcast VA0 - no picture, sound and VMU - Boguś - 07.08.2023 13:38

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