Полная версия: ISO Loader 0.6.x Beta
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Господа, а как запилить этот лоадер в дримшеле? При запуске бинарника просто черный экран, при подмене дс_кор тоже самое. Или его както компилить надо? Подпаял винчестер, тоже охота Шенму потестить, да и другие вещи.
I'm trying to start ShenMue via 0.6.x beta in this thread, but I don't want to replace the original sd.bin and ide.bin files. Could someone give me a pointer how to set up a separate version of isoloader
next to the existing one?

Thanks in advance.
what you use? SD or HDD?
CF-reader connected via ide. Is there a way to run the ide.bin command directly by using a .lua config file?
rename ide.bin from archive to 1.bin and put to /DS/firmware/isoldr/
for run game with this loader:
1) select game in ISO Loader app
2) goto settings
3) change presets (if need)
4) Loader Device rewrite auto to 1

you can save link to desktop and run this game from link
Ok, sounds great. Whats the switch I use in the os.execute line btw?

Something like this?

os.execute("isoldr -d 1 -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi");

Or if I use ide-test.bin is it?:

os.execute("isoldr -d ide-test -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi");
(13.02.2018 18:36)DeMeester писал(а): [ -> ]Ok, sounds great. Whats the switch I use in the os.execute line btw?

Something like this?

os.execute("isoldr -d 1 -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi");

Or if I use ide-test.bin is it?:

os.execute("isoldr -d ide-test -x 0x8c004000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi");

It' should works.
I won't have time to try it out tonight. I'll have a look at it tomorrow or the day after. Thanks for all the advice.
Shenmue using v0.6.6 ide

os.execute("isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8cfe8000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi")

works like a charm!
(13.02.2018 12:08)megavolt85 писал(а): [ -> ]rename ide.bin from archive to 1.bin and put to /DS/firmware/isoldr/
for run game with this loader:
1) select game in ISO Loader app
2) goto settings
3) change presets (if need)
4) Loader Device rewrite auto to 1

you can save link to desktop and run this game from link

Yes works..but why the preset don't keep the loader (1) when you save ?

If you go again in the setting it's AUTO...Undecided

Shorcut works but is it not possible to save directly the loader in the Preset?

[Изображение: loader.png]
(18.02.2018 14:53)dragoncity писал(а): [ -> ]but is it not possible to save directly the loader in the Preset?

only link
(18.02.2018 15:52)megavolt85 писал(а): [ -> ]
(18.02.2018 14:53)dragoncity писал(а): [ -> ]but is it not possible to save directly the loader in the Preset?

only link

Ok I think need to add "loader" in the .cgf file !

title = SHENMUE 1
dma = 0
async = 8
cdda = 0
fastboot = 0
type = 0
mode = 0
memory = 0x8cfe8000
loader = 1
pa1 = 00000000
pv1 = 00000000
pa2 = 00000000
pv2 = 00000000

Maybe you can add that... Angel
what for? because of one game? it does not make a sense
(18.02.2018 16:14)megavolt85 писал(а): [ -> ]what for? because of one game? it does not make a sense

Ok.. I thought for an other beta or someting like that..
It's a pity you can change all config but not the loader Angel
(18.02.2018 08:09)gng4 писал(а): [ -> ]Shenmue using v0.6.6 ide

os.execute("isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8cfe8000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi")

works like a charm!

I'll try this for Shenmue via .lua.

I haven't been able to get it working yet. I'm not using a .gdi but a .cdi btw.

Is there a way to force a specific region via isoldr? Is there a way to edit the Dreamshell cfg file that's being saved on cf in vmu format? Because when I try to save changes it isn't being reflected after rebooting the DC.
This didn't work for me:

os.execute("isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8cfe8000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi")

I probably have a different version.

I'll try the settings by dragoncity mentioned.
(24.02.2018 04:01)DeMeester писал(а): [ -> ]This didn't work for me:

os.execute("isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8cfe8000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi")

I probably have a different version.

I'll try the settings by dragoncity mentioned.

If you want,it's in french but translate if you don't understand Smile


7-9 Changer le loader (Shenmue 1)
(24.02.2018 04:12)dragoncity писал(а): [ -> ]
(24.02.2018 04:01)DeMeester писал(а): [ -> ]This didn't work for me:

os.execute("isoldr -s 1 -e 8 -x 0x8cfe8000 -f /ide/games/gamename.gdi")

I probably have a different version.

I'll try the settings by dragoncity mentioned.

If you want,it's in french but translate if you don't understand Smile


7-9 Changer le loader (Shenmue 1)

Thanks for the advice. I understand how to use a different device with with -d 1 for example. I see I missed adding that in my example from my previous post.
When I try to run Shenmue it's showing 0.6.6 at the top. But then it fails loading the gdi. I used iso maker pack v2.4.

I 'll add -i (for verbose). Maybe that gives me more insight.
@Dragoncity, which releases did you use for Shenmue and Soul Calibur?
(24.02.2018 13:48)DeMeester писал(а): [ -> ]@Dragoncity, which releases did you use for Shenmue and Soul Calibur?

You have link in my list


Try download GDI with "doperoms.com".

Edit : For Shenmue need OPT but without DMA.
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